Corporate Services Committee

Legal Services And Legislative Compliance

Corporate and Legal

  1. Consider legal and arbitration matters, institution of proceedings etc and recommend to the Executive Committee where necessary.
  2. New or amended legislation and policies.
  3. Legislative compliance of existing policies.
  4. Where necessary recommend amendments to policies to the Executive Committee.
  5. Service Level Agreements.
  6. Legal budget implementation and expenditure.



  1. Consider bylaw reviews submitted by Legal Unit in respect of matters within the committee’s terms of reference and make recommendations thereon to the Executive Committee.
  2. Consideration of bylaws within the committee’s terms of reference for adoption and publication.

Human Resources Management

Performance Management

  1. Annual monitoring and review of Performance Management System and recommendations thereon to the Executive Committee.
  2. Annual Performance Report.

Labour Relations

  1. Consultation with Local Labour Forum.
  2. Where necessary make recommendations on Labour Relations/Bargaining Council matters to the Executive Committee.


Recruitment and Selection

  1. Annual review of Human Resource policies and processes in respect of recruitment and selection and where necessary make recommendations to the Executive Committee thereon.
  2. Legislative compliance.

Occupational Health

  1. Implementation of Occupational Health and Safety Act.
  2. Management training in respect of Occupational Health and Safety Act.

Job Evaluation

  1. Monitor job evaluation and grading system.

Training and Development

  1. Policies and procedures for training and skills development.
  2. Budget implementation and expenditure.
  3. Work Skills Plan.

Employee Relations

  1. Annual review of Human Resource policies in respect of Overtime, Telephone/Cellphone usage, Locomotion Allowance, Subsistence and Travel, Leave and Sick
  2. Leave, etc. and make recommendations thereon to the Executive Committee.
  3. Implementation of Human Resource Policies.
  4. Internal disciplinary and grievance procedures.
  5. Human resource expenditure and budget implementation.

Information Management

Information Communication and Technology

  1. Annual review of ICT policies for recommendation to the Executive Committee where   necessary.
  2. Consideration of ICT budget for recommendation to the Executive Committee.
  3. Manage Council website.
  4. Council’s Information Systems and Technical Support.
  5. Corporate Information and Communication Technology Assets.


Records Management

  1. Document and information keeping systems.
  2. Access to Information policies and procedures.


  1. Printing Unit budget and operations.