Ramotshere Moiloa Local Municipality strengthen its administration


    Media Statement

    22nd August 2023

    Ramotshere Moiloa Local Municipality strengthen its administration



    Following the recent appointment of the Municipal Manager; Lekgetho Mokgatlhe, the Ramotshere Moiloa Local Municipality made two appointments of senior management. The positions of a Chief Financial Officer (CFO) and Director Corporate Services have been vacant for the past eight months. The first task that the municipal manager executed was to ensure that the process of filling vacant positions was concluded hence the appointments.


    The appointed candidates are not new to the municipal environment since they have worked in different municipalities before and bring a vast knowledge and experience with them. Director Corporate Services Karabo Masuku and Kagiso Noke who has been appointed as the Chief Financial Officer have indicated that their focus is to contribute on helping the municipality improve its performance in service delivery. Karabo Masuku who has a vast experience in human resource obtained her Honors Degree in Psychology with Southern Business School.  She then furthered her studies with University of Kwa Zulu Natal (UniZulu) where she managed to obtain her Masters Diploma in Human Resource Management. She previously worked as a Director Corporate Support for the Mahikeng Local Municipality. She says that she believes in team work because combined efforts yield great results.  “Working as a team and focusing on reaching our goals in time is the only weapon that will help us to reach our target. We must know that our duties are interlinked. Somebody’s output depends on someone’s input. Therefore, if we have a similar objective, we will be able to reach our desired results which is building capable institution”, Masuku said.


    The newly appointed CFO, Kagiso Noke, has been living in the land of accounting since he completed his Hons Bcom Management Accounting with University of South Africa (Unisa). Noke also obtained his Diploma in Cost and Management Accounting with the same University.


    He worked for seven (7) years as a Chief Financial Officer at Gasegonyana Local Municipality in Northern Cape (NC). He is not new to Ramotshere Moiloa Local Municipality since he worked as deputy CFO from 2012 until 2016. The newly appointed CFO said that he optimistic that his contribution will help the municipality to get improved audit results.


    “I am so happy to be back at my home ground to come help on taking our Municipality back to its glory. In 2015 the municipality obtained an unqualified audit opinion and I was part of the team that time. However, I must indicate that it will not happen overnight. Full cooperation, dedication and commitment will take us further. I know that we cannot just jump to clean audit but working together, we can win the battle,” said Kagiso.


    The Mayor of Ramotshere Moiloa, Dina Pitso alluded that this is the beginning of the municipal rebirth and that the council has finally managed to get the full administration structure in place. “As the council of Ramotshere Moiloa, we are very pleased to see the complete structure of our administration in terms of senior management. It has not been easy operating with acting positions because accountability was limited. This is now the beginning of the new era for our municipality. The municipal manager will now be surrounded by skilled and experienced people who will get their priorities right and take this municipality to greater heights”, said Pitso on behalf of council.






    Issued by

    Communication Unit

    Dirontsho Sebego

    Communications 018 642 1081 ext 286 / 0833208627



    22/08/2023 - 26/11/2026
    Ramotshere Moiloa Local Municipality strengthen its administration