Mayor of Ramotshere Moiloa Condemns Illegal Initiation Schools and Tragic Loss of Lives

  • Mayor of Ramotshere Moiloa Condemns Illegal Initiation Schools and Tragic Loss of Lives


    Media Statement

    23 January 2024

    Mayor of Ramotshere Moiloa Condemns Illegal Initiation Schools and Tragic Loss of Lives


    The Mayor of Ramotshere Moiloa has strongly condemn any form of initiation school that operates outside the bounds of legality and safety. According to Mayor Dina Pitso; the rich cultural heritage of the country should be upheld with utmost respect for life and dignity.


    In a recent event; two males have been arrested following the deaths of five boys at an initiation school last year. The boys were reported missing in December and after an extensive search by the police and members of the community a discovery of what appeared to be human bone was made in the bushes near Mosweu village. Further investigation into the matter led to the arrest of the accused, who were reportedly in charge of the initiation school where the boys allegedly died.


    “It is with deep sadness and concern that we are facing the unfortunate incidents surrounding illegal initiation schools within our community when children should be preparing to go to schools. Recent events have led to the tragic loss of lives, and it is with a heavy heart that I extend my heartfelt condolences to the affected families. Illegal initiation schools pose a serious threat to the safety and well-being of our youth. These unregulated practices not only violate cultural norms but also endanger lives, leading to irreversible consequences”, says the mayor.


    Pitso further alluded that abductions and forced admissions to initiation schools, human rights violations, deaths and other forms of atrocities have become defining characteristics of some initiation schools. “I would like to make an assurance that the municipality will collaborate with law enforcement agencies, initiate community, work with relevant department to provide counselling to the affected families as well as collaborating with relevant authorities to enhance the regulation of initiation schools, ensuring that they adhere to safety standards and cultural norms”, she affirmed.


    The residents are further urged to remain vigilant and report any suspicious initiation school activities to the local authorities. The safety of the youth is paramount, and we must work together to eliminate illegal practices that threaten their well-being. The community should also stand united in preserving the cultural heritage while ensuring its safety and prosperity.


    Issued by

    Communication Unit

    Dirontsho Sebego

    Communications 018 642 1081 ext 286 / 0833208627

    23/01/2024 - 01/01/2027
    Mayor of Ramotshere Moiloa Condemns Illegal Initiation Schools and Tra